Chairman Liu addressed non-public economic development forum

September, 26, 2010 China (Shaanxi) non-public economic development forum was held in Xi’an. Vice Chairman of the NPC standing committee, Chairman of China Democratic National Construction Association, Mr. Chen Changzhi attended and addressed the opening ceremony of the forum. Standing committee member of the CPPCC, standing committee member of China democratic national construction association, board chairman of Tongwei Group, Mr. Liu Hanyuan was invited to the forum and made a keynote speech.

Mr. Liu made a review of the 30 years of China’s non public economic development. The history of 30 years reform and opening-up is the history of China’s non public economic growth. This group has proven that it has huge value and strong vitality. Today, non-public economy stands no longer for backwardness and humiliation, but for the advanced value, producing force and powerful superiority instead.

Mr. Liu made further points, with copper as a mirror, you can now dressed; with history as a mirror, one can know the rise and fall. Looking back on the development path of non-public economy, history is telling us, its appearance and growth is independent of man’s will. Its every small step forward is accompanied with the constant liberation of thinking and renewal of ideas. Today, we must handle the situation from the perspectives for being responsible for the country, for the nation, and for history. We need to comply with the law of history, grasp the outlook of scientific development, and correctly understand non-public economy’s strategic significance and irreplaceable role in China’s economic development. Not only so, we need to further create all necessary conditions for Non-public economy’s greater take-off in the next three decades.