Chairman Liu attended Sino-EU International Forum

The 2nd Sino-EU International Solar PV Industrial Development Forum was held on August 12th – 13th in Shanghai. Organized by EU New Energy Commission, UNIDO and European Photovoltaic Industry Association, the forum has clear theme and a wide range of issues. More than 200 leaders of famous solar enterprises and experts at home and abroad participated in this conference. Board Chairman of Tongwei Group, Mr. Liu Hanyuan, Vice president, Mr. Hu Rongzhu, and General Manager of Yongxiang Mr. Feng Dezhi were invited to attend the forum.

At the forum, Mr. Liu made a keynote speech on Comparison of Several New Energies and Strategic Choice of Low-carbon Energy Development. He made in-depth analysis from three aspects: Energy and the Great Historical Process of Human Society; Comparison of several new energies and Strategic Choice of Low-carbon Energy Development.

Mr. Liu pointed out, energy is the indispensable material basis for human survival and development. Energy development and utilization is an important indicator of economic development, as well as scientific and technological level of an era or a country. It also has a direct bearing on sustainable economic development and people’s living standard. Looking at the history of 2000 years, the most important progress of human society in history was built on the basis of energy revolution. Every major social progress was based on an energy revolution. Every historical recession and crisis has always related to an energy crisis. If human society is to truly solve this problem, there must be an energy revolution, from quantity to quality. After comparing advantages and disadvantages, cost and efficiency of common new energies, Mr. Liu further made calculation of solar power generation’s capacity and scale. He made the conclusion: 1% of the 393 million hectares of natural grassland, electricity generation of 7.86 trillion kwh each year –  equals to 215% of China’s electricity generation of 3.6506 trillion kwh in 2009. 1% of the 1 million square kilometers of desert land, 2 trillion kwh power generation per year, equals to 55% of China’s total electricity generation in 2009. In terms of output value, the output per unit of solar power is 30-60 times of that of crops. It does not take up existing high-yield farmland, but only occupies a small amount of desert, gobi and other wasteland in the western region.

Mr Liu said, solar energy is the most economical, clean and eco-friendly sustainable energy. According to the statistics of 2010 BP Statistical Review of World Energy, at the exploiting rate of 2009, oil could sustain 45.7 years. With the same calculation means, the existing natural gas reserves could only sustain for 62.8 years, and coal for 119 years. Many countries or regions have taken solar PV as the important component of their energy development strategy. It has become the choice for global low-carbon energy development strategy. By the end of 2009, the Chinese government has officially announced the targets to control greenhouse gas emissions, and decided to reduce the CO2/GDP 40%-45% lower than 2005. It for the first time made the commitment publicly without any conditions to quantify the emission reduction target. It pointed out that the first step to achieve this goal is to increase the proportion of low-carbon energy.

80% of the current atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions come from the developed countries in America and Europe during the past 200 years of industrial revolution. They have accumulated a considerable amount of greenhouse gas emissions liabilities. In contrast, China is currently in the historical period of accelerating industrialization and urbanization development. High energy consumption and carbon emissions of the past two to three decades is the natural result of rapid economic development. Although in 2010 China may exceed the U.S. and become the largest emitter of carbon dioxide, we should objectively look at the carbon emissions difference caused by different industrialization stages that Europe and China are at today. The American and European countries that have advantages of technical capacity and new energy reserves should shoulder the responsibility of new energy development mode exploration, and the responsibility of sharing advanced technology and experience with developing countries, so as to further promote carbon emission reduction.  We believe with the joint efforts of China and the E.U., based on mutual understanding and mutual tolerance, we can strengthen the depth of cooperation in low-carbon energy sector, and make a better future with win-win cooperation.