Tongwei Testing Center again passed FAPAS proficiency test

July, 21, the mid-term evaluation report by UK FAPAS shows Tongwei Testing Center obtained outstanding achievements in determination of nitrofuran metabolites in shrimps, with the testing value being fully consistent with the standard value during FAPAS proficiency testing in May, 2010.

August 1st, 2009, Testing Center of Tongwei Co., Ltd. passed the British FAPAS (Food Analysis Performance Assessment Scheme) Proficiency Test for its malachite green, crystal violet content in eels. The FAPAS testing result shows, Tongwei Testing center’s indexes of leucomalachite green, leuco crystal violet, total amount of crystal violet, malachite green, total amount of malachite green, and crystal violet all met the testing requirements. The first three indexes got the best result among the 50 laboratories from 21 countries in the assessment.

This is the second time Tongwei got the first place in the testing. The result shows Tongwei Testing Center has achieved the world first class level in chemical residue testing capability of aqua-products, meat products and feed. Its testing level fully meets the requirements by international authorities. 

The result was a tangible testimony that Tongwei had been taking testing accuracy as its top priority. It is Tongwei’s advanced testing techniques and unremitting efforts of first-class team that ensures the quality and safety of its top performing products, including feed products, Tongwei Fish, American Channel Catfish, and Gold Card Pork. In June, 2009, Tongwei participated in the measuring audit organized by the inspection and quarantine technology center of Weihai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, and achieved satisfactory testing results of ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin in frozen dried carp fish meal.