Chairman Liu Visited Hainan PROGIFT

April, 13, Board Chairman of Tongwei Group Mr. Liu Hanyuan visited Progift in Hainan. The Chairman Mr. Simon Yuen, and General Manager Mr. Ji Shengrong warmly welcomed Mr. Liu’s arrival.

Mr. Yuen showed Mr. Liu and delegation around to the seedling cultivation workshop and breeding base, and gave an introduction of Progift’s development and present status. Hainan Progift is run by Royal Supreme Seafood AS, which was established in Norway for over 20 years ago, and has been in China since 1993. Progift is approved for export to EU and USA. It cooperates with AKVAFORSK - the first research institute to participate in the ‘GIFT’ project. Currently, the company has 5 breeding bases in Guangdong and Hainan, and owns the world’s biggest and the most complete tilapia gene bank. It also has the world’s most advanced breeding techniques, which lays solid foundation for the quality improvement and development of Progift tilapia fries.

Chairman Liu made a review of China’s aquaculture development for the past several decades. China’s aquatic products increased 10 times during the past 30 years. It is now the world’s biggest country in aquaculture production, with the production accounting for over 70% of the world’s total in recent years. After the quantity of aquatic products has been resolved, it is time to consider how to improve the quality by enhancing disease resistance and improving the breeding environment.

Furthermore, Chairman Liu introduced Tongwei’s business layout in Hainan, including its feed plant and aquatic food processing plant. He emphasized the importance of cooperation within the sector to realize the industry’s value, and make it stronger and bigger.