Spark Program Project Passed Technical Appraisal

April, 15, the appraisal committee of the project of “supporting technology development and application for feeding silurus meridionalis with green floating feed” visited Tongwei.

As the National Spark Program Project, Tongwei’s supporting technology development and application for feeding Silurus meridionalis promotes the usage of green floating feed. It adopts the model of a “government + enterprise + farmer + bank” combination. The feed coefficient of large-area Silurus meridionalis farming is only around 0.8, and the coefficient for feeding adult fish reaches 0.9- 1.2. The application of this supporting technique has generated obvious economic and social returns. Furthermore, it alleviates farming labor intensity, reduces the occurrence of fish diseases, and improves the farming environment for a healthy ecological system.

Therefore, the committee made unanimous agreement that this project is scientifically proven to have rational process and in-depth content that promotes high efficiency and provides technical support. The research fruit has achieved the top level in China. Meanwhile, the four renovations from this project have filled the gap in the domestic literature record in this area.