Vietnam Tongwei Completed and Commissioned

  May, 19th, Vietnam Tongwei, the subsidiary of Tongwei Co., Ltd. is completed and commissioned in Tien Giang Province in Vietnam. Vietnamese government officials,,Economic Counselor of the Chinese Embassy to Vietnam, Mr. Hu Suojin, Board Chairman of Tongwei Group, Mr. Liu Hanyuan, General Manager of Vietnam Tongwei, Mr. Ye Debing, as well as officials from Sichuan Commerce Department attended the opening ceremony.

  With an investment of $ 20 million US Dollars, Vietnam Tongwei covers an area of 70,000 square meters. Adopting the world’s most advanced feed equipment and techniques for fish and shrimp feed manufacturing, the company’s annual production capacity reaches 300,000 tons. This is the second subsidiary of Tongwei Co., Ltd. in Southeast Asia, and is the largest, most advanced specialized aquaculture feed manufacturer with the most product diversities in Vietnam.

  Mr. Liu Hanyuan, Board Chairman of Tongwei Group made a speech at the ceremony. He said, Tongwei strives to remain its elite status and is committed to go global with its corporate mission of “Enhancing Life Quality of Mankind by Creating World-class Brand of Aquatic Products”. Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress, Chairman of China Democratic National Construction Association, Mr. Chen Changzhi sent a congratulatory message for Vietnam Tongwei’s completion and operation.